Bungalow in a prime location in Playa del Inglés with sea views above the golf course. The property has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen with access to the terrace, a living area with dining area, a couch with TV and a large terrace. From here you can enjoy a fantastic view of the sea, the golf course, the dunes and the mountains. The complex has a heated pool and a very well-kept subtropical garden. Facilities also include Wi-Fi, safe, dishwasher, washing machine and a dryer. This small feel-good complex offers you comfortable and relaxed living in a pleasant neighborhood.
Price: Euro 850.000,- Ref. KB085
Playa del Ingles
bed rooms: 2
bath rooms: 1
living space: aprox. 70 m2
plot: aprox. 100 m2
communal fees: aprox. 450€/month
Aretz-Immobilien , Gran Canaria , Tel. +34 928772237 , Mobil +34 616552233 , Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! , www.aretz-immobilien.com